What's in the Stars today, May 25?
Unexpected things can all happen at once, and today money and love issues can go off course, like a ship without a compass. Don't be resentful and harsh...

In life, you only gain something if you fight for it. If you don't, you'll achieve nothing. Have a good week!
Moon in Leo and Virgo
Begin the week putting your right foot forward in whatever you do! The week that begins today is not an easy one, with all the difficult aspects it accommodates. However, the message of the optimistic and strong Moon in Leo is that if you make an effort, you gain something, if you don't fight, you don't achieve anything. Just before noon, the Moon enters the sign of Virgo and you will find it particularly interesting to approach the day with logic and right planning. The unfavourable aspect of the Moon to Saturn in combination with its square to the Sun, where the waxing phase begins, indicates that challenges caused by a reduction of resources, possibilities or opportunities can trigger criticism which will in turn cause viable and constructive solutions.
Venus in Cancer square Uranus at 18° Aries
Shattered to smithereens! These days, relationships are on the edge. There could be tension or disputes capable of causing rifts in no time. You could get annoyed with a friend or someone you really wanted, and delete their name from your mobile phone or from facebook, tear their photos and throw away their memoranda and presents. Unexpected things can all happen at once, and today money and love issues can go off course, like a ship without a compass. Don't be resentful and harsh just because you gave someone a gift that they were not ready to accept or appreciate. Keep your distance but don't hold a grudge!
The unpredictable Venus – Uranus aspect affects you more if you are Cancer, Libra, Aries or Capricorn of the second decan. Also, if your Ascendant, Venus or other personal planets are between 15° and 21° of cardinal signs.
You are favoured today if you are Leo, Aries, Sagittarius of the last days, and Virgo, Taurus, or Capricorn of the first decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful week full of health, happiness and joy!