What's in the Stars today, April 7?
With the Moon in Scorpio, today events and circumstances will lead you to deep realisations which will arm you with the necessary determination to persevere, to put your foot down and to succeed even in adverse conditions...

Holy Tuesday
Hymn of Kassiani
Moon in Scorpio
The garden of pleasure lies at the end of the tunnel! With the Moon in the deeply sentimental and regenerative sign of Scorpio, today events and circumstances will lead you to deep realisations which will arm you with the necessary determination to persevere, to put your foot down and to succeed even in adverse conditions. Late at night, the Moon – Venus opposition turns the attention to your relationships. If you avoid a tendency to be possessive and jealous but instead focus on their depth and strength, you will experience moments of deep pleasure.
Mercury in applying square to Pluto and conjunction to Uranus
A pillar of salt! Words, messages and news regarding a swan-song may come as a bad surprise, as the aspects of Mercury to Pluto and Uranus indicate sudden sadness. So, things you will find out on a personal or social and political level may be a bolt out of the blue. Be particularly careful when travelling because accidents and 'bad moments' lurk.
You are particularly influenced by these aspects if you are Aries, Capricorn, Libra or Cancer of the second decan.
You are lucky today if you are Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer of the second and third decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a day in which composed thinking and determination prevail!