What's in the Stars today, April 2?
Jupiter's retrograde motion favours positive outcomes from new beginnings in areas linked to love, children, hobbies, entertainment, and creativity by taking advantage of delays, cancellations or reviews which arose a while ago...

Moon in Virgo
Spic 'n' span! The day begins with the Virgo Moon, champion of order and cleanliness, increasing your desire to make sure things and spaces, even emotions and thoughts, are sparkling. At the same time, the trine the Moon creates with Venus in the afternoon enables relationships and partnerships to get a good clean-up. The day calls for cleansing and order; you should use it accordingly. Do things that can improve your work or can make your daily routine, health or diet better than before. Sort out your finances. Above all, support the things that help your relationships with others to become brighter, crispier and cleaner.
Mercury in Aries trine retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius
Bold suggestions, decisions, presentations and contacts are favoured! Today, fiery Mercury in Aries forms a positive aspect with ambitious and tenacious Saturn. Take advantage of new knowledge, information, ideas and acquaintances to support once again matters connected to your career, your reputation, recognition and status. This is also a good day to get in touch or book a meeting with an educator, a specialist, a supervisor, a manager, a spiritual person or an elderly person you have known for a while or with you there is unfinished business.
Sun in Aries trine retrograde Jupiter in Leo
Luck beckons! Be brave and act fast to seize the day. Today the belligerent Sun in Aries meets Jupiter, the planet of good fortune. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to enjoy or to benefit from new beginnings and first steps. In fact, Jupiter's retrograde motion favours positive outcomes from new beginnings in areas linked to love, children, hobbies, entertainment, and creativity by taking advantage of delays, cancellations or reviews which arose a while ago.
You are particularly favoured by the positive aspects of Mercury and the Sun if you are Aries, Sagittarius, or Leo of the first or second decan.
You are lucky today if you are Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn of the second and third decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful day. Be driven and optimistic and seize the positive opportunities it offers.