Moon in Virgo
In a spirit of pulling tricks on people! 1st April and the Moon in the sign of analytical and cerebral Virgo stresses the tendency to be wary of the tricks, the lies and the pranks today's custom dictates. The opposition to deceptive Neptune however means that the rebirth of this playful habit is extremely favoured. It will be difficult then to both escape being the 'victim' and avoid being tempted to be the 'perpetrator', especially since this strange custom is based on the belief that if you trick someone, you will have good luck.
Mercury in Aries in applying trine to retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius
Resume discussions from a new perspective with experts, teachers and people of authority. Mercury is in straightforward and lively Aries, a sign which loves new beginnings, and forms a positive aspect with mature Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius: this is a good time to get in touch again with coaches, educators, supervisors and managers as well as wise people, experts or authorities well-established in their field. New contacts will withstand the test of time, while knowledge about something new, and straightforward and candid discussions can be met with success.
Sun in Aries in applying trine to Jupiter in Leo
Be bold and the universe will help you be a winner! Achieving your wants and goals does not depend on your financial circumstances, your religion or your background but on your courage, your speed, your actions and your deeds. So, be bold, fast, enthusiastic and strong when it comes to your pursuits and with the Sun in a positive aspect with Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, the cosmos will not only be generous and favourable to you but also offer you bigger chances for success.
You are more influenced by the favourable aspects of Mercury and the Sun if you are Aries, Sagittarius or Leo of the first and second decans respectively.
You are lucky today if you Virgo, Capricorn, or Taurus of the first and second decan.
It's very likely that you will tell a lie or be tricked today if you are Virgo, Pisces, Gemini or Sagittarius of the first decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful day and a good month!