What's in the Stars today, March 16?
With the Moon from 12:13 in radical and reactionary Aquarius, your desire for change is strong and especially in an area where you have been facing constant disappointment...

Moon in Capricorn
Get organised! Don't waste time on meaningless endeavours. The day begins with the serious Capricorn Moon directing your attention to political or partisan matters, the elderly or authority figures, career issues or important duties and events that may emphasise a negative situation. On the other hand, the earthy and cardinal element of this Moon prompts you to ignore matters that hinder your concentration and instead organise your time, get ready for an activity or move, and do things that bring results.
Moon in Aquarius
If something is not working, change direction! With the Moon from 12:13 in radical and reactionary Aquarius, your desire for change is strong and especially in an area where you have been facing constant disappointment. Anything new and different will change your routine and boost your mood and frame of mind.
Mercury in Pisces square Saturn at 4° Sagittarius
Like talking to a brick wall! Mercury, the planet that symbolises the spoken and written word as well as transport, creates an unfavourable aspect with restrictive and unhelpful Saturn. Discussions will come to a dead end, contracts will bear risks and meetings and contacts will be cancelled, delayed or lead to an ending. Trouble with vehicles, itineraries and travelling is possible. Bad news or complications with regards to political issues.
Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn
Release yourself from the bonds of a negative fate by planning and following a path to a new destiny! Abrupt and revealing Uranus in impetuous Aries creates a square with deep and dark Pluto in resilient Capricorn shedding light to unknown and secret situations and disparities so that you can strive for a better life. It's a time that will be characterised by sudden and violent events, political and financial disclosures, changes as well as archaeological research and discoveries that will bring dramatic changes.
The explosive Uranus – Pluto aspect affects you more if you are Aries, Libra, Capricorn, Cancer of the second decan or if your Ascendant or personal planets are between 12° and 18° of the cardinal signs.
Luck is particularly on your side if you are Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo of the last days or Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini of the first days.
Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful week with power, joy and optimism.