What's in the Stars today, March 1?
Have a good month! With the watery and temperamental Moon in Cancer, the mood reflects the unstable weather that is characteristic of the month. 'In like a lion out like a lamb' as they say.

Moon in Cancer
Turbulent March is here, ushering in spring! With the watery and temperamental Moon in Cancer, the mood reflects the unstable weather that is characteristic of the month. 'In like a lion out like a lamb' as they say. So, the mood will be gloomy and sombre one moment and cheerful and elated the next. March however is more a spring than a winter month and even if the day brings emotional turbulence, there will be opportunities to feel spring within you!
Mercury in Aquarius opposite retrograde Jupiter at 14° Leo
Optimistic messages, travelling and positive contacts! Unexpected opportunities, suggestions and invitations that have to do with people and matters of the past will give you joy and the feeling that good fortune is visiting again. Contacts, interactions and movement will have more successful and smooth outcomes. You shouldn't engage with a lot of issues because you may forget something or you may not be able to give the necessary attention to certain people or situations.
Mercury in Aquarius sextile Uranus at 14° Aries
It's time to turn around! With Mercury in Aquarius favouring suggestions, ideas and contacts that lead to changes forming a positive aspect to unforeseen, innovative and technological Uranus, you will benefit if you are open to new ideas and make new plans. News, information, discussions, travelling, acquaintances, contacts as well as anything to do with technology, innovation and communication can excite you.
Mercury's aspects affect you more if you are Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius, or Libra of the second decan.
You are favoured today if you are Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces of the third decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a good month and an unforgettably beautiful Sunday!