What's in the Stars today, January 27?
Today, you have the opportunity to help blossom all those things that make your life happy and beautiful provided you show determination, love, enthusiasm and actual genuine care...

Moon in Taurus
When you fancy a flower, you pick it but when you love one, you water it every day! The Moon in earthy and persistent Taurus not only appreciates love but also wants to cultivate and maintain it. Therefore today you have the opportunity to help blossom all those things that make your life happy and beautiful provided you show determination, love, enthusiasm and actual genuine care.
Venus in Pisces 27/1 – 20/2
A fairy tale love story! Venus in Pisces is like a fairy that has come to bring the magic of love and passion to your life. The fairy tale will be beautiful, charming, romantic with a lot of self-sacrifice and giving. The bad wolves and the nasty dragons may want a part in the fairy tale. Make sure that it doesn't involve eating you or locking you up in a castle. Use the magic wand of love to transform them, and if that doesn't work, send them away where they can't touch you.
Retrograde Mercury in Aquarius in applying sextile to Uranus in Aries
Surprises that bear the scent of the past! Retrograde Mercury is in Aquarius pulling the breaks on new unusual ideas and changes while accelerating yet more revisions and reassessments. These days it forms a positive aspect with sociable and unpredictable Uranus, so expect contacts with friends you haven't seen for a while, all kinds of reunions and unhoped-for romantic comebacks.
You are particularly influenced by the Mercury – Uranus sextile if you have planets, your ascendant or other astrological markers in Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius or Gemini between 10º and 16º.
You're lucky today if you are Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn of the second decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you a wonderful day with exciting news and contacts!