What's in the Stars today, January 14?

It's time to slow something down concerning your daily routine, work, finances or love life so that you feel better inside youself or so that you can find the energy to deal with a deep desire...

What's in the Stars today, January 14?

Waning Moon in Scorpio

Something stops, something ends so that you can relax or live the dream! The waning Moon is in transformative and rejuvenating Scorpio in a positive aspect to idealistic and calming Neptune; it's time to slow something down concerning your daily routine, work, finances or love life so that you feel better inside yourself or so that you can find the energy to deal with a deep desire.

Mercury in Aquarius sextile Uranus in Aries

Unexpectedly wonderful news and contacts! Mercury in airy, resourceful and sociable Aquarius and in a positive aspect to pioneering and fast Uranus in Aries enables you to open new intellectual doors, follow new paths and meet new exciting people. Favoured today are meetings and contacts to promote changes, to gather information regarding computers, the Internet, electronic or electrical goods and relevant services as well as group or pioneering projects.

The favourable aspect between Mercury and Uranus is a particularly positive influence if you are Aquarius, Gemini, Libra or Aries, Sagittarius, Leo born at the end of the first decan or the beginning of the second.

You are favoured today if you are Scorpio, Cancer or Pisces of the first decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you an utterly wonderful day with optimistic news and positive changes!

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