What's in the Stars today, December 19?
Expect sudden replacements and explosive situations regarding agreements. When it comes to money, be cautious and guarded because powerful shake-ups are on the way...

Moon in Scorpio
Maybe you cannot comprehend everything that has been happening in your life, but it is happening for a reason! With the Moon in the water element in the introvert yet determined and fighting sign of Scorpio, today you want to look inside yourself. The universe is urging you to look for the deeper meaning when a cycle closes or a crisis is over in areas of your life you consider important, to do some soul searching and then make decisions that will determine the course of important aspects of your life.
Venus in Capricorn in applying conjunction to Pluto and square to Uranus in Aries
Tension and break-ups amidst the festivities! Relationships are under the influence of negative aspects these days and as a result, the ongoing crisis may prove decisive. Third parties, intolerable pressure and long-standing issues may trigger separations or partnerships may break up. Expect sudden replacements and explosive situations regarding agreements. When it comes to money, be cautious and guarded because powerful shake-ups are on the way.
If you are Capricorn, Aries, Libra or Cancer born at the beginning of the second decan or you have a planet or astrological marker in these signs between 9º and 15º, be prepared for twists and drastic changes in both money and love.
Luck is particularly on your side if you are Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer of the third decan.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you will have a great day if you don't lose your self-control but use in a constructive way the transformative energy that is shaking the world.