What's in the Stars today, December 16?
Venus is transiting the authoritarian and serious sign of Capricorn and until the 3rd January you're seeking respect and things that guarantee stability in your relationships...

Moon in Libra
Seeking balance and happiness in the rollercoaster of relationships! The Moon today is in Libra, the sign that has to do with other people, and forms unfavourable aspects with unpredictable Uranus and hard Pluto, making this a volatile time for relationships. There will be fights, tears, outbursts, jealousy and disagreement, and you need to be able to see both sides of the coin so that relationships that deserve to be in your life can overcome difficulties and come out victorious.
Venus in Capricorn
Building a relationship on solid foundation! Venus is transiting the authoritarian and serious sign of Capricorn and until the 3rd January you're seeking respect and things that guarantee stability in your relationships. In most cases though, you may realise that you only have control over yourself; other people you either have to accept or stay away from. Concentrate on strong feelings and invest time and energy in love to make it strong and powerful.
Luck is more on your side if you are an air sign – Libra, Aquarius, Gemini – of the second and third decan.
If you are Libra, Capricorn, Aries or Cancer born at the beginning of the second decan or you have a planet or personal marker near the 12º, you need to be very careful with how you deal with disputes and accusations.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you will have a positive day if you allow your relationships to vibrate in the power of love.