What's in the Stars today, November 26?
Today don't get carried away or conned by individuals with unreliable or irresponsible behaviour...

Moon in Capricorn – Moon in Aquarius
Hard work always pays off! Today, with the Moon in Capricorn, perseverance, organisation and planning can bring results in areas that are important to you. You may be concerned about professional matters as well as issues linked to superiors: supervisors, managers, civil servants or prestigious people. At 21:22 the Moon moves into Aquarius and freedom becomes being able to do what you like. The circumstances are great to have fun with friends while new ideas open new doors to joy.
Mercury conjunct Saturn
Discussions and news that trigger scathing criticism! Today's Mercury – Saturn conjunction indicates difficulty in communication, intellectual exhaustion and mental blocks. Be careful when driving and expect trouble and bottlenecks on the roads. Discussions about politics and news about distinguished people may cause bitter remarks.
Venus in applying trine to Uranus
Surprises and unhoped-for developments in love and money! A refreshing breeze blows into your love life whether you are single or taken. Love at first sight, affairs with people with an age difference, unforeseen gifts and new partnerships are at the forefront.
Sun in applying square to Neptune
Appearances are deceptive! Today and tomorrow a cloud covers events and people connected to knowledge, justice, sport, entertainment or foreign countries. Mind that you don't get carried away or conned by individuals with unreliable or irresponsible behaviour.
Luck is on your side if you are Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus of the third decan or Sagittarius, Aries, Leo born at the end of the first or the beginning of the second decan.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, the secret to a wonderful day is to continue to look on the bright side!