What's in the Stars today, August 11?

In a romantic, dreamy and wandering mood!

What's in the Stars today, August 11?

Moon in Aquarius – void of course until 15:55

Keep an open mind! The emotional turmoil caused by yesterday's upsetting August Full Moon is still powerful. The Moon, being void of course until 15:55, helps you to look for new perspectives without being influenced by other people and find alternative solutions to reactions or unforeseen developments. It also allows you to spend time with friends and get involved in activities that free your mind or excite you. Today you should avoid online shopping or buying electronic goods, booking flight tickets, going somewhere with no mobile phone reception or making major changes.

Moon in Pisces

In a romantic, dreamy and wandering mood! Just before 16:00 the Moon moves into Pisces and the pace is more relaxed. You yearn for peace and to escape from the daily mundane issues. You manage to get a break and relax, have fun and enjoy love!

Unexpected luck comes your way if you are Aquarius, Libra or Gemini of the last days, while if you are Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer of the first decan, the day brings a lot of good omens!

Irrespective of sign, Astrology.gr friend, your week can have a positive beginning if you allow the magical melody of love to flow into your mind, your heart and spirit.

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