What's in the Stars today, July 28?
Make sure you're surrounded by people that bring enthusiasm and an upbeat mood to your life!

Moon in Leo void of course
A summery mood! August is around the corner and the week begins with a lot of optimism and an emphasis on the bright side of life. Your main concern is holidays, children and having a good time. You get very excited when you find the time to enjoy a hobby, be creative and fall in love!
Venus opposite Pluto
A maze of passion! Deep buried emotions resurface and demand to take over. Your relationships become oppressive and domineering. Your amorous pursuits and dark desires are coloured by taboos, secrecy and a voracious sexual attraction. Secret affairs, secret financial agreements and dramatic face transformations are all possible.
You are more influenced by the Venus – Pluto aspect if you are Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra born at the end of the first decan or the beginning of the second.
You're lucky today if you are Leo, Aries, Sagittarius born either at the end of the second decan or in the third decan.
Irrespective of sing, astrology.gr friend, you can have a wonderful day and week if you stay away from people that suck your energy and instead make sure you're surrounded by people that bring enthusiasm and an upbeat mood to your life!