What's in the Stars today, July 2?
Today, it will be more important to hand in something in time than for it to be perfect, so don't overdo it with minor or insignificant issues...

Moon in Virgo
Summer is here and today with the Moon in scrupulous and prudent Virgo, attention to detail will help in many cases. However, it will be more important to hand in something in time than for it to be perfect, so don't overdo it with minor or insignificant issues. Be punctual in your professional commitments as well as in possible medical appointments or matters.
Moon opposite Neptune
The Moon is in Virgo, a sign linked to health, work and the daily routine, and at 15:50 it forms an opposition with deceptive and disorientating Neptune. You need to protect yourself from infections, poisoning and intestinal complaints and also be realistic and sceptical in whatever you do.
Moon sextile Sun and square Venus
Tonight at 22:19 the Moon forms a sextile with the Sun and at 22:50 a square with Venus: make sure you deal with things that involve emotions and avoid interactions that ruin your plans or are not to your liking.
You are favoured today if you are an earth sign – Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn or a water sign – Pisces, Scorpio Cancer of the first decan.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you can achieve your goals if you save money and energy and act in a systematic way!