What's in the Stars today, April 20?
The Sun will occupy the sign of Taurus from today to 21st May and your focus is turned mainly to financial, material and practical matters.

Moon in Capricorn
Many happy returns of the day! The Moon is in Capricorn today giving Easter Day formality and encouraging the observance of customs, such as spitting a lamb and cracking eggs. Get into the spirit of tradition and be reliable in whatever you do.
Sun in Taurus
The Sun will occupy the sign of Taurus from today to 21st May and your focus is turned mainly to financial, material and practical matters. Also, activities linked to the land, nutrition and art are favoured. When it comes to romance, this placement may enable you to experience or create something beautiful and solid, and be patient and devoted. Jealousy, inflexibility and stubbornness prevail.
Jupiter square Uranus
These days, dear astrology.gr friend, a cardinal grand cross is happening involving Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto and Mars and there is tension in the air. The Jupiter – Uranus square that culminates today foretells odd decisions and exiting changes based however not on realism but on over-optimism. Take advantage of opportunities that come your way using prudence and thoughtfulness.