What's in the Stars today, April 17?
The Moon meets Saturn, the planet that symbolises time, in a conjunction whose motto is "good things come to those who wait." So, for some things, you'll have to wait and be patient. Don't make haste.

Moon in Scorpio
Holy Thursday! Commemorating the Last Supper, the day is dedicated to cooking. The sign of Scorpio is linked to physical transformation and it's exactly what you need in order to turn your kitchen into a pastry shop. You are bound to use or discover a secret recipe for an Easter treat while watching the dough turn into cookies and cakes, and the eggs dyed red may prove to be ... therapeutic!
Moon conjunct Saturn
At about ten in the morning, the Moon meets Saturn, the planet that symbolises time, in a conjunction whose motto is "good things come to those who wait." So, for some things, you'll have to wait and be patient. Don't make haste.
Venus trine Jupiter and sextile Pluto
If there is one thing you need to bear in mind today, dear astrology.gr friend, is that the day is under the influence of the favourable aspects that Venus (money, love, affairs) forms with Jupiter (happiness) and Pluto (domination); make sure you take advantage of it to promote relevant matters.
All the more so if you are Pisces, Scorpio Cancer born at the beginning of the second decan: thanks to the aspects Venus forms you'll be floating on cloud nine these days.
If you are Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer of the third decan, bear in mind that luck is on your side both in finances and love.
Irrespective of star sign, astrology.gr friend, the day can be very satisfying if you put your heart in whatever you do ... if you're passionate about things!