What's in the Stars today, August 8?

What's in the Stars today, August 8?

Moon in Virgo

Time to tidy up! The transiting Moon in the sign of cleanliness, order and method favours tidying up things, loose ends and relationships.

Discomfort! The opposition that the Moon forms with Neptune in the afternoon warns you to avoid putting your health at risk and also not to listen to the sirens that promise magic solutions to your problems. There is a tendency for allergies, side-effects from medication, infections and an upset stomach. You may be visited by bugs.

Mercury in Leo

Basking in the sun! From today to 23rd August, Mercury, the planet of communication, will be in the positive sign of Leo favouring love messages, summer trips, reading works by great authors and writing down positive thoughts.

Jupiter opposite Pluto

Struggle for domination! The clash between planets Jupiter and Pluto indicates that there is a need for tough negotiations, to face challenges and to fight to the bitter end on issues related to your family, your residence and your professional and personal progress. Cancer, Capricorn, Libra and Aries born at the end of the first decan are mostly influenced.

Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn of the first decan are mostly favoured today. You will somehow find a solution to your problems.

Have a beautiful day and follow the motto "a sound mind in a sound body"!

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