What's in the Stars today, July 7?

What's in the Stars today, July 7?

Moon in Gemini

Misunderstandings! With the Moon doing her thing in Gemini in the morning you feel a strong need to think about and meet friends, dedicate some time for walks or short trips and to occupy yourself with your various interests. Just remember that Mercury is retrograde until the 20th of this month, so misunderstandings and arguments are also on the agenda.

Moon in Cancer

At about quarter past one in the afternoon the Moon enters the sign of Cancer and the rest of the day is ideal for anything that has to do with the family and the home. It also favours activities by the sea, swimming, a romantic tête-à-tête at the beach and any activity near water in general.

Venus trine Uranus

God-sent joy! Under the influence of tomorrow's aspect between Venus and Uranus, beautiful and good things can happen in your life, both financial and romantic, like a godsend. Love at first sight, unforeseen partnerships but also unexpected gifts and profits will make you cry out "too good to be true!"

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces of the first decan, you will focus on your relationship with women, your parents, your in-laws, you family in general.

Leo, Aries, Sagittarius on the one hand, and Gemini, Libra and Aquarius born in the beginning of the second decan on the other, the universe favours romantic contacts, love surprises and joyful activities.

Enjoy your Sunday and may all nice and good things happen to you.

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