Unison Desirable

Hundreds of Outpost Commands shrink as men leave to join the South

Hundreds of Outpost Commands shrink as men leave to join the South.
Headlines of April 1861, the beginning of the American Civil War. Fast Forward... THE TEA PARTY MOVEMENT which appeared in February 2009 and spread like fire. Why? It gave voice and substance to about one in three Americans. Firearm sales are going through the roof. Why? Americans feel threatened? or angry? Where does the threat come from? Who is the anger directed to? Fiery rhetoric broad-and-podcasted enticing people to organize themselves, to get ready to defend their homes, to stock up on nutritional and other necessities. Why? By European standards (Europe has always searched for and discovered workable and rewarding modus vivendi adjustable according to prevalent conditions) America is lagging and a part of the country is aware of this and intent upon moving forward ...closer to the European standards. But a part of America wants to go to an opposite direction.

Millions of Americans have lost their homes. Millions are unemployed. Many more have run out their Unemployment benefits. They need help, yet many millions of Americans are vehemently opposed to the idea of Social Welfare which might affect their pockets through increased taxation.
Millions of dollars were spent for the ROYAL WEDDING of Chelsea Clinton and hubbie. Provocative?

The recovery is not pulling America up and out of its problems and the economy may go into a dip, which may bring more pain.
All this put together may be brooding events, hopefully not reminiscent of a deep division with its ravaging effects.

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